[meteorite-list] White House: No Evidence That ETs Have Reached Out To Touch Us -- Or Even Exist

cdtucson at cox.net cdtucson at cox.net
Tue Nov 8 14:53:01 EST 2011

Good one.
It is sometimes difficult to prove some things exist. Even if they do. The way they can doctor pictures and video these days I imagine the "proof" bar is pretty high these days in the ET debate. Looks like we're going to need an actual  body  at this point. 
And take God for example. Believers think the world is all the proof you need whereas disbelievers cannot prove he doesn't exist.
If there is life elsewhere one might expect it to be on the moon. 
I mean they say the moon was once part of Earth. If that is so then why is there no life there? Earth has life almost everywhere and yet the moon has none anywhere. This not only adds to the other discredits of the origin of the moon theory but, it does equally the life elsewhere theory. The moon even has the same oxygen and it is also not flat. Yes, we can prove the Earth is not flat. 
Although each theory has it's own circular argument. Neither one will ever prove or disprove the other. 
Because we were not there when the moon formed and we have yet to find a shred of life elsewhere. Not even a peep (SETI) .
And to say there "must" be life out there is the same argument stated about God. There "must" be a God. 
In any event I think Earth is great. God or chance did something right.
2 more cents,

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote". 



---- dorifry <dorifry at embarqmail.com> wrote: 
> http://www.aol.com/2011/11/08/white-house-says-no-et-evidence_n_1081731.html#s307060&title=Lanterns
> White House: No Evidence That ETs Have Reached Out To Touch Us -- Or Even 
> Exist
> Posted: 11/8/11 10:09 AM ET
> share this story
> 7
> 0
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> There's no evidence of any extraterrestrial life and "no credible 
> information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's 
> eye."
> And there you have it, straight from the White House's mouth, so to speak. 
> UFO aficionados, skeptics and believers alike have waited patiently since 
> September to see how the Obama administration would respond to two petitions 
> under the new "We the People" program.
> According to the official response written and released Friday evening by 
> Phil Larson at the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy, while 
> the government is saying it has "no evidence that any life exists outside 
> our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged 
> any member of the human race," the door is still open to the possibility and 
> search efforts "of life outside our planet."
> And those efforts include the ongoing Search for Extraterrestrial 
> Intelligence -- or SETI -- which uses ground-based telescopes to try and 
> tune in to signals from another world.
> Larson's response also mentions the Kepler spacecraft in Earth's orbit, 
> searching for Earth-like planets, and the upcoming Mars Science Laboratory, 
> a car-size vehicle that will explore the geology of the red planet to look 
> for any of the building blocks of life.
> Undoubtedly, the minions who believe that Earth has already been visited by 
> at least one race of extraterrestrials -- citing photographic, film, video 
> tape, radar returns and landing traces as evidence -- will surely be 
> disappointed with the White House's "no evidence" stance.
> Steven Bassett, who penned the first alien disclosure petition in September, 
> isn't satisfied with the White House response and has announced on his 
> Paradigm Research Group site his intention of filing another petition.
> "The [White House] response was unacceptable. Much feedback is likely. PRG 
> will begin to pre-promote a new petition relevant to the Disclosure process 
> ... and will continue to keep the Disclosure issue front and center within 
> this attempt at participatory democracy by the Obama administration," 
> Bassett wrote.
> If someone, like Bassett, isn't happy with the response given by the Obama 
> administration, he or she can turn right around and file a new petition with 
> no restrictions.
> "There's no reason someone couldn't submit a second petition," White House 
> spokesman Matt Lehrich told The Huffington Post in an e-mail Monday. "If it 
> crosses the threshold [of 25,000 signatures], it will get a response. 
> Obviously, if the petition is very similar, it may garner a similar 
> response."
> Any backlash to the White House ET response will most likely come from 
> people and organizations who will point to the thousands of pages of 
> previously classified government documents about UFOs -- many of which 
> clearly indicate that some UFO encounters with military forces and airline 
> pilots in the past were considered so important that they weren't disclosed 
> to the public.
> Of course, anything in the sky that can't be identified is a UFO. Experts, 
> government officials and military personnel have often been unable to 
> explain away sightings. That doesn't prove the existence of ETs, but it 
> convinces many that we are not alone in the universe.
> ------------------------------------------------
> They have got bases all over the world now, you know. They've been coming 
> here ever since 1946 when the scientists first started bouncing radar beams 
> off of the moon. And they have been living and working among us in vast 
> quantities ever since. The government knows all about 'em.
> Well, they are people just like us, from within our own solar system. Except 
> that their society is more highly evolved. I mean, they don't have no wars, 
> they got no monetary system, they don't have any leaders because I mean each 
> man is a leader. I mean each man ... because of their technology they are 
> able to feed, clothe, house and transport themselves equally and with no 
> effort.
> Why don't they reveal themselves to us is because if they did it would cause 
> a general panic. Now, I mean, we still have leaders upon whom we rely for 
> the release this information. These leaders have decided to repress this 
> information because of the tremendous shock that it would cause to our 
> antiquated systems. Now, the result of this has been that the Venusians have 
> contacted people at all walks of life, all walks of life.
> It would be a devastating blow to our antiquated systems. So now Venusians 
> are meeting with people in all walks of life in an advisory capacity. For 
> once, man will have a god-like control over his own destiny. He will have a 
> chance to transcend and to evolve with some equality for all.
> ---------------------------------
> Phil Whitmer
> Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum
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