[meteorite-list] Almahata Sitta still giving up secrets

MexicoDoug mexicodoug at aim.com
Tue Nov 1 18:42:26 EDT 2011

Hi Linton,

Nice article even if nothing is new it still is a very pleasant read by 
a good writer.

I do have a complaint, though, which really is nothing to do with the 
writer.  We're meteorite geeks here and the article was all about 
meteorite analysis.  So 'TC3 is not as the article is titled: "The 
Asteroid that fell to Earth";

In fact is has a better distinction; it is the "Meteoroid that fell to 
Earth" while someone or something was sort of watching; Not comets; not 
asteroids; but rather, "Close encounters of the Third Kind".

The MPC is not a classification authority; In fact, to have a little 
fun if they wish to ignore meteoroids as a classification, they'd best 
not be usin' our terms and be consistent calling 'em: their Asterites.

Kindest wishes

-----Original Message-----
From: Linton Rohr <lintonius at earthlink.net>
To: meteorite-list <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Tue, Nov 1, 2011 5:26 pm
Subject: [meteorite-list] Almahata Sitta still giving up secrets

Greetings listoids.
I came across this well written article on Almahata Sitta at the 
Today, and thought it worthy of sharing. Enjoy!
I hope this long link will work.

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