[meteorite-list] Certificate of Mailing

David Gunning davidgunning at fairpoint.net
Fri May 27 20:04:24 EDT 2011

Hi All,

It's disheartening to read the post about the painting lost in the mails.
 Here's a little tip I've utilized for many years to give me a little
piece of mind, a little extra piece of mind, whenever I mail something
with the USPS that I want to be able to document that was mailed.  It's
called a "certificate of mailing".

How it works is this:  when an item is entrusted to the USPS I pay a
little extra something, less than $2.00, for a a piece of paper known as
a USPS "certificate of mailing"

It offers proof that I mailed something to so and so.

The person to whom a letter, padded parcel envelope, or whatever, is
mailed to does not know that I have this "proof" but if something is
"lost" in the mail the "Certificate of Mailing" covers my tush.

If anyone were ever to claim that something was maybe not mailed I have
certifiable USPS proof that it was.

Fortunately, nothing of mine has ever been lost in the mail.

Yesterday, for example, I sent off a possible meteorite to an expert for
an opinion of what may be a small slightly magnetic meteorite with a USPS
"Certificate of Mailing".  I anticipate no problem with the specimen
reaching it's intended final destination.  But if there is a problem,
well, need I say more?

This little precaution may also help keep some people honest.

Best wishes to all.

David Gunning

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