[meteorite-list] Rafael Rant

MexicoDoug mexicodoug at aim.com
Sat Jun 25 16:59:29 EDT 2011

Hi Michael and Rafael

"3) the grammar was so poor it made the message impossible to discern"

Michael, please give Rafael a break and be more welcoming, it is 
obvious from his thoughts that he is a highly educated person but does 
not have the benefit of English as his first language. To attack that 
in such a case is a blow below the belt. Today is a good day for me and 
I tried to follow a few posts for the first time in basically a year 
and a half on the list and I appreciate that you always provide 
delicious fodder. Interestingly I had no problem understanding my 
Rafael's post, as wrong as I might be in interpretation.

First, I think he directed only the very the very first thought at you 
for your own insightful, never less rant (see P.S.), which was scarier 
by far (but which we have to know and love you and do since we are 
personally acquainted) about the crisis statement of the state of 
ignorance in the USA - how the average person in the USA is a fool and 
three paragraphs to support that complete with statistics.

Now if Rafael just commented to you to hold up a mirror on yourself 
first, it might not have been the most courteous answer, but I'm 
betting that the English nuances in your Moon Dust titled post (which 
was quite far from Moon dust as dust can be) could sound really 
aggressive to non-native speakers and provoke such a response within 
other cultures where more respect is afforded as the norm although 
everyone knows it is protocol/lipservice in some instances.

The rest of his post, I think, was a different subject within the 
thread and very pertinent, and I think you took offense at something 
not even directed anywhere near you, it was likely directed to Michael 
Gilmer, the "parroting" stuff. The comment itself was a winner. I think 
his question was: What law is this that actually makes the Moon rocks 
illegal to own. Not having dedicated any thought to this in the past, I 
am ignorant on the subject, but respectfully give Rafael his space to 
ask - are we all parroting? This has nothing to do with the infamous 
theft case where the illegality was students stealing government 
property, this has to do only with that residue or gifts which were 
never stolen. Is it not the same basic question that we see over and 
over in meteoritics when ignorant lawmakers get involved? Is it not 
just because as an American taxpayer for many list members, there is a 
feeling of entitlement and ownership from which something it is being 
deduced outside a legal framework that any gift is illegal? That is 
actually a fascinating thought considering when the shoe is on the 
other foot there is never a shortage of questioners doing the due 
diligence, and rightfully so. Surely there is a Federal Statute someone 
can reference?

It is a crazy world, but I enjoyed Rafael's "post" even though it only 
arrived to my inbox only via your posting of it to the list.

Rafael, if that wasn't a private message, perhaps you are sending rich 
text to the meteorite list. It confuses the server running it, like a 
photon getting lost inside the Sun, when it comes out or gets otherwise 
consumed we never know. I can almost be 100% sure no one is editing 
anything you say here, as you suspected. On the contrary this place has 
a reputation of being a real mugrero, and that is why many love it and 
hate it at the same time. You must send plain text messages only to the 


So that will be 2 centavos for the unsolicited translation and no 
warranty is made on its quality...

Kindest wishes

PS: Captain Blood's original post under the thread titled "Moon Dust":

Michael B wrote:

Oh, so many things are so greatly influenced by
the ignorant masses of this country. "Jay walking"
Is NOT faked - I know because these people show up
In my classes! Newsweek does a yearly "man on the
Street" 10 question test in 15 major cities. The AVERAGE
Score is 4 out of 10. The questions?... Which country is
Closer to the United States: France or Canada? Which
Came first, the Civil War or World War II? (Really,
ALL the questions are that simple... 4 out of 10!

No one seems to get that our educational
System is going down the tubes as a result of nit wit,
Politically correct, see the student as a customer first
Attitudes coupled with a false sense of entitlement
And the taboo prevalent throughout the country
against flunking non-achievers.

Harvard now gives ALL "A"s to all students in
All classes. (Parents aren't paying $40,000 per year
For their kids to get "B"s - there was a segment on
"60 Minutes" about this last year).

These people don't just decide elections.... They
Are running a lot of things. The lower echelon of them
Are the face to face people you deal with in most stores.

It is terrifying! They are EVERYWHERE!

Let's hide!


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Blood <mlblood at cox.net>
To: Rafael Navarro <rafael.navarro7 at gmail.com>
Cc: Meteorite List <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Sat, Jun 25, 2011 3:22 pm
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Rafael Rant

Hi Rafael,
It would be far easier to respond if I had any idea what you
Were talking about.
Since you:
1) did NOT include the text to which you seam to be referring...
2) left the subject box "moon dust" (?)
3) the grammar was so poor it made the message impossible to discern
All combine to make it pretty much beyond reasoning to try to infer
what it was you intended to say. HOWEVER, I did pick up some key
Phrases, such as "ignorance," "repeat like a parrot," some biblical
reference, "ignorance is bold," and much ranting about the scarcity 
meteorite finds... All of which lead me to guess you are one of those 
who have decided they have found a lunar meteorite (sometimes a half
dozen of them - sometimes in their own yard). But I could be wrong, as
your post was, for the most part, incoherent due to 1, 2 & 3 above.
Whatever it was about, it doesn't belong on the list. If you have an
Issue with me, post me directly. Please try to use English grammar
sufficient to be understood, and I will write you back.
But not on the list.

On 6/25/11 11:06 AM, "Rafael Navarro" <rafael.navarro7 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well ,Michael Blood you can not talk about the speck in your 
brother's eye,
> when you do not see the beam in yours, (the eyes not see to inward).
> I had the suspicion that NASA gave lunar rock samples (Apollo 11) 
> having studied, hize a research about it and wanted to share my 
> with members of Met-list, but the editors of the list, censored my 
> by be suspect and out of place.
> *Definitely, the ignorance is bold.*
> I ask to Michael Gilbert (Galactic Stone), can you tell me exactly 
> *which* law prohibits individuals to have samples of lunar rocks 
brought by
> Or you only repeat those words because you've heard to someone say it?
> Also, you believe that among all the samples collected on the moon 
> arrived two microscopic meteorites?
> You believe everything what others say?
> You know something about it, or also repeat this like a parrot ?
> *Yes in truth, It is terrifying! They are EVERYWHERE!*
> *
> *
> Rafael Navarro
> *PD : *And do not worry about answering;I know that you will do not.
> I suspect that you are smart enough not to continue a discussion that 
> are not sure of winning.
> *
> *
> *
> *

Obama is not a brown-skinned anti-war socialist.
You are thinking of Jesus.
(Street sign)
Add two grains of sugar to everything you say
And one of salt to everything you hear.

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