[meteorite-list] Moon Dust

Michael Gilmer meteoritemike at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 12:30:28 EDT 2011

Hi Paul and List,

I am still amazed at how many people believe the Moon landings were
fake.  I don't want to open the debate again, but there is one key
fact that the conspiracy nuts overlook :


Let's put aside the scientific and technological arguments for a
moment and consider the human side of the story.

Besides the astronauts and NASA personnel involved, there were many
thousands of contractors, sub-contractors, family members, and friends
involved in the Apollo program.  Are we to seriously believe that
thousands of people could keep a secret of this magnitude for over
four decades?  Heck, one person can't keep a secret for 10 minutes,
less yet thousands of people for over forty years.  It's downright
silly.  And I lose all intellectual respect for someone when they
start parroting this lunar conspiracy carp.

I believe our government is fully capable of (and willing) to lie to
us about important issues, but I have no faith that human beings can
keep a secret for any length of time, especially a secret of this
scale that would involve thousands of people keeping their mouths

If anyone reading this believes in this conspiracy, please keep your
replies to yourself and don't bother emailing me - I will only lose
respect for you and I will not be swayed.

Best regards,


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer)

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On 6/24/11, valparint at aol.com <valparint at aol.com> wrote:
> Well, shoot, that makes it OK! They just didn't have time to fact check,
> which is such drudgery, not to mention a nuisance. It's *so* much more
> convenient to cut-and-paste from the AP. And anyway, it was on page 12 of
> section B - by the time you get way back there it doesn't matter what you
> print. Could be something about the Amazing Bat Boy or creepy Nils Farbu
> from the World Weekly News. Who cares about truth that deep into a
> newspaper?
> Sadly, newspapers have become simple containers for wire service stories and
> syndicated columnists. On a happier note, they're still good for lining bird
> cages and cleaning fish.
> Paul Swartz
>> Yes, the WP?should probably fact check the articles they pull, but
>> like most major newspapers, they don't have the time. It's a minor
>> human interest story that probably made page 12 of section B of the
>> newspaper or something.
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