[meteorite-list] Building Inspired by Meteorites

Phil Whitmer prairiecactus at rtcol.com
Wed Jun 22 11:19:25 EDT 2011

Hi Mark,

I agree, if that building looks like a meteorite, then I strongly resemble 
the  Queen of England.

Phil Whitmer

Yes, sounds like they want meteorites that look like buildings rather than 
make a building to look like a meteorite! :)

Yuk - it really looks nothing like a meteorite IMHO - it's more like a 
collapsed tin can, - why not have jet black fusion crust over the exterior, 
which absorbs solar heat and saves energy bills?

The inside is a missed opportunity too - Personally I thought that the 
latest design trends in modern buildings were moving away from silver balls 
hanging in corridors and white 1960's tables..

Interesting though, thanks for the link.


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