[meteorite-list] Currently used classification scheme - Divisions

Jim Wooddell jimwooddell at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 20:39:50 EDT 2011

Hi all,

I am looking for some information in regards to the Division of
Meteorites in the currently used classification scheme.

It is my understanding that there are currently 3 divisions that all
meteorites fall under....or at least at one time there were three.
Chondrites, Primitive Achondrites and Achondrites.

1.  Referencing Weisberg et al: Systematics and Evaluation of
Meteorite Classification, has there been any divisions added since
this document was printed?  Are there still only 3 divisions?

2.  Is there a more up to date schema or diagram which supersedes the
document above?  I know there are changes in the IAB complex groups
and grouplets, referencing a document by Wasson accepted in 2002, are
there other changes?

Thank you for any info on this.

Kind Regards

Jim Wooddell

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