[meteorite-list] Looking to buy - Sudbury Impactite

Brian Cox searchingforfun at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jun 5 13:41:24 EDT 2011

Hi Mike,

Well, my friend, you're about 6 years too late on my Sudbury Impactite. I 
had several large slabs of it and sold half, but it didn't go for enough and 
then one day I was transplanting one of 30 plants, I don't even remember 
which one it was now, and I needed something to put in the bottom for 
drainage. I didn't feel like going out to the True-value to get a clay pot 
to break up and had several 1-2" by 4-5" pieces of Sudbury Impactite around 
and just put them over the drainage hole. IF I knew which plant it was I 
would dump it upside down, but it must have been one of my 8 foot tall 
plants that weighs 250 pounds in a 2 foot x 2 foot pot.

If I ever transplant them in the future and find them, I will certainly 
contact you. ;-)

All the best.


Message: 6
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2011 22:12:10 -0400
From: Michael Gilmer <meteoritemike at gmail.com>
To: Meteorite Mailing List <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Message-ID: <BANLkTinnHMj=X299Xa9irN_Uj-iM37aCYA at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi Folks,

I'm asking around trying to find a nice-sized chunk of Sudbury impact
material - something roughly baseball sized for display.

If you have something available, contact me off-list.

I also still looking for micros of NWA 2999 angrite and etched Gibeon iron.

Thanks in advance!


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer)

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