[meteorite-list] OT: Congratulations Apollo

Galactic Stone & Ironworks meteoritemike at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 22:51:14 EDT 2011

Happy 42nd Birthday to Apollo 11!

The Eagle has landed.  :)

I would not be born until 16 months later, but I still recall lots of
talk and television images of astronauts, the Moon, rockets, and NASA.
It was a part of my childhood. Back then, people didn't throw around
the word "hero" much, not even in reference to astronauts. They were
simply courageous men of the utmost skill and cool.

Now, 42 years later, we feel more comfortable calling them what they
are/were - heroes. These guys were test pilots and combat pilots with
nerves of steel. The more you cranked up the danger, speed, and
importance of the missions, the more they rose to the occasion.

It takes a certain type of human being to strap themselves to the top
of a giant rocket, blast into the lethal blackness of space, make a
soft landing in a certain spot on the MOON - and then come all the way
back to splash into the ocean. And, for an added bonus - you'll do it
all in a cramped tin-can, eating paste, and using a contraption to
relieve yourself when you can't hold it any more.

Any number of things (seemingly minor ones) could happen that would
result in a lethal failure of the mission and loss of life.

The stakes could not be higher.

The type of person who would do that truly qualifies as a "hero".

Best regards,

Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer)

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On 7/20/11, John.L.Cabassi <John at cabassi.net> wrote:
> G'Day List
> Finally got home today, interesting topics but I can't believe you
> forgot Apollo 11. So with fan fare, I would like to congratulate 40
> years and many to come.
> http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/07/20/the-eagle-has-landed-happy-anniversa
> ry-apollo-11/
> Cheers
> John Cabassi
> IMCA # 2125
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