[meteorite-list] A Cosmic Catastrophe: The Great Clovis Comet Debate

Rich Murray rmforall at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 23:27:40 EDT 2011

What fascinates me is that with a thousand curious, adventurous people
on this list, hardly anyone is following up the remarkable ground
study leads provided by Cox, Barretto, and Murray, or pondering the
implications of the Mark Boslough supercomputer simulations at Sandia
Lab of directed blasts resulting from air bursts a few km above the

America -- scoured from sea to shining sea --  so much strange
evidence everywhere, everyone's just taken it for granted as normal...
go out and see for yourself!

Much can be done with Google Earth, Google Maps, and NASA WorldWind --
look around your own area -- I'll be happy to provide local leads.

I suggest you ask me on this list, and I'll provide my leads quickly,
as science is a picnic best shared publicly....

Louisiana is a tough one, Paul, due to the sea level rise since 13 Ka,
heavy rains, thick vegetation, coastal tsunamis, but note the huge
underwater debris dumps far south deep in the Gulf, and, I bet, the
fractal collection of coastal lakes has never actually been adequately

I'll see what specific candidates I will find for you in Louisiana...

Rich Murray
rmforall at gmail.com  505-819-7388

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