[meteorite-list] [IMCA] Collateral Damage.

Eric Wichman eric at meteoritesusa.com
Sun Jul 3 16:18:39 EDT 2011

Good point Richard and Jim! I didn't even think about this angle, and it 
really makes a lot of sense. My warning flag waved when I read about 
them showing up a day early, but I dismissed it because of these 
people's perceived plight. Perhaps this "family" wasn't a family at all, 
and were as Jim pointed out, grifters.

I was in Quartzite for the first time ever last year. I wandered the 
show all day for one day with my family. Some of the dealers and people 
we met and spoke with were pretty shady characters. Many times the 
dealers approach you directly like a hungry car salesman with beady 
little xray eyes. Bad breath, stinking and sweaty, gold teeth and rotten 
ones too. Some of them reminded me of the pirates of old, only they had 
rocks instead of ships. All of them had the "best quality" rocks you 
ever saw at the "best prices". Yeah...

The family that met with the Count, that supposedly got "ripped off" 
very well may not have. It might have been a con like Jim and Richard 
suggest to separate the Count from his hard earned money. Now they know 
that the Count has real meteorites! That fact should give pause for 
increased security.

I mean seriously... What idiot would hock all their shit for a box of 
rocks after watching a TV show?

Even if they did, it's caveat emptor, and the buyers fault for trying to 
buy and sell something they know nothing about. What if someone you 
didn't know came up to you and said they had a product you knew nothing 
about but that could make you loads of money? Would you be foolish 
enough to hock all of your belongings to buy a product you know nothing 
about, from someone you don't know, for a huge amount of money and still 
blame a TV show you watched the other night for your troubles? No, of 
course not. That would be silly wouldn't it?

This story sound fishy. Either A) They're telling the truth, were 
ignorant of the product they were buying, their judgment clouded by 
greed and desperation, and they got conned. or B) They were the cons.

My questions to the Count:

Did these people seem very upset when they found out that their rocks 
were not meteorites? You said she and her husband "looked stricken". 
Maybe that was shock that you knew what you were talking about, and now 
they know you have real meteorites.

I mean, if their story were real, their genuine sadness, embarrassment, 
and anger would have shown through like a beacon in the night. Did they 
show any kind of emotion that would support this, or did they just shrug 
it off and move on? Did the "quiet husband" get angry and say to his 
wife, "see, I told you so..."?


Have you stepped up your security at your home, just in case these guys 
were the cons, and might come back knowing you have lots of valuable 

I don't want to make you feel uneasy, but... Be careful. Maybe the quiet 
husband was watching. This people might be back.


On 7/3/2011 12:30 PM, Richard A. Kowalski wrote:
> All,
> I'm a little disappointed that the Count used an inflammatory subject 
> line, but I think understand the reason behind its use. I expected and 
> am not surprised to see the bashing of the Meteorite Men show. I've 
> shared my opinions about the show in the past so will not say more 
> about it other than I doubt very much the show had anything to do with 
> this event.
> (BTW, if I am not mistaken, the 3rd season is in production right now, 
> so my guess is any program ideas might get considered if they get a 
> season 4...)
> I'm in more of the opinion that the Count met with grifters. Jim 
> Wooddell first mentioned this idea on the Met List so I am in 
> agreement with him on this.
> The whole thing sounds suspicious to me. It sounds more likely that 
> their hope was to meet with someone who did NOT know what they were 
> doing and sell their crap to him. Maybe I'm wrong here. Count spent 
> time with these people and has a better vantage point, but as soon as 
> they showed up unexpected, a day early, the red flag started waving 
> for me.
> Count mentions the "husband". Here's a strange bird. Seriously, do you 
> know of any man who has children to feed, that will allow anyone to 
> essentially give away all their worldly possessions just for a box of 
> rocks?
> I certainly hope the truth is this and not the story that was told to 
> Count. That indeed would be sad. I also hope the Count stops giving 
> out his home address to complete strangers. A neutral location to meet 
> is always a much better idea. The next "seller" may not be so friendly 
> and be more interested in taking possession of his collection than 
> adding to it...
> Cheers from balmy Tucson. Only reaching 40C (105F) today!
> -- 
> Richard A. Kowalski
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