[meteorite-list] Large Meteor in Brazil

Bernd V. Pauli bernd.pauli at paulinet.de
Sat Jan 22 19:05:55 EST 2011

Dirk kindly wrote:

"Dear List, I received report of a large meteor in Brazil."


... which reminds me of our spectacular "fireball" here in Southern Germany and the somewhat "funny" translation provided by an electronic online translator. Here's my
translation. So far we haven't been able to locate any meteorites although dozens of
meteorite enthusiasts have combed the area and computations are being refined, but,
 ... never say never!

The bright bolide seen in the early evening sky last Saturday over Geislingen causes stir among locals and meteorite hunters/collectors. As has already been reported, the experts are relatively certain that, according to their calculations (precision 4 km or 2.5 ms) debris from the celestial intruder landed in the vicinity of Geislingen. The fireball was so bright that it seems possible it did not completely burn up during its fiery descent.

Therefore, next weekend, Mark Vornhusen from Switzerland and administrator of the "Workshop Meteors"  will try to locate the potential point of impact or the small crater
should any exist.

Thomas Grau (Berlin) of the "European Research Center for Fireballs and Meteorites" is already on his way there to ask eye- and if possible earwitnesses in order to narrow down the area where the meteorite possibly landed. Among experts, Thomas Grau is well-known as a professional and successful meteorite hunter. 

Numerous people near Göppingen and neighboring communities became eyewitnesses of the spectacular phenomenon travelling in a west-easterly direction across the sky and leaving
a bright trail 
 when they suddenly perceived a bright light. Many of these eyewitnesses describe the color of this luminous meteor as yellowish-orange, many-colored, others also as blue and red.

"It was like two lightning flashes", says Werner Kombiheck who was out hunting near Schalkstetten. But he waited in vain for a rolling of thunder.

Evi Schmid who was on her way home from Grünenberg suddenly perceived a bluish light that seemed to come from a gigantic flashlight. When she turned around, she saw a light arc up in the sky whose warm yellow light subsequently branched into several individual parts.

"Suddenly it was glaringly bright and the trees cast a shadow as if  illuminated by the headlights of an automobile", says Helga Vetter who is also from Günenberg. Karl Vasenmaler, mayor of Wäschenbeuren, saw the fireball, too, and describes its flightpath
as "extraordinarily shallow", its speed as "very high" and the luminous appearance as "extremely close".

Some eyewitnesses seem to be sure they also became earwitnesses: On the Wasserberg, four grown-up persons heard a rumbling noise "as if something was falling to the ground". Bernhard Geselle from Kuchen heard a such a "rumbling noise", too.

For heaven's sake, it's late here: 01:10 hrs


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