[meteorite-list] Auction UPDATE (ad)

Michael Blood mlblood at cox.net
Sun Jan 16 17:22:05 EST 2011

Greetings all,
        Most unfortunately, the ever engaging Anita Westlake of Georgia will
not be able to attend the Tucson Show this year, so we lost her as a
presenter at the pre-auction activities - as well as the pleasure of her
Company throughout the show(:
        HOWEVER: John Blennert has agreed to give the talk at 6PM at the
Auction. John is the accepted "King of Gold Basin." His accomplishments in
that strewn field include but are not limited to:
- Coordinated with Dr. Jim Kriegh in mapping the strewn field, recording the
location of every find
- Has donated hundreds of his GB finds to institutions
- Is an accomplished gold finder
- The guy is a magician! I swear I hunted 15 yards to his right and
meteorites nearly jumped out of the ground into his pockets! In 20 minutes
he had more than he could carry!
- Has proven himself to be someone EVERYONE likes.

        Other notes:
- There are still spaces for 10 or more items if you have anything special.
- Darryl Pitt will be entering 2 more special items (today or tomorrow?)
And Twink will be entering several more pieces of meteorite jewelry.
- Of the 81 items entered to date, only ONE has a minimum bid - and it is
The entirely unique, Lovina (ANOM Iron). ALL OTHER ITEMS ARE NO MINIMUM.
- Only a few more days remain to get in Absentee bids. Only a handful have
come in to date.   
        RSVP (off list, of course)

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