[meteorite-list] New Meteorite used as Neolithic Tool

JoshuaTreeMuseum joshuatreemuseum at embarqmail.com
Wed Jan 5 13:44:41 EST 2011

It looks a lot more like a cupstone or a discoidal than a hammerstone. 
Doesn't look anything like an anvil. An anvil would have a flat  surface. A 
hammerstone generally wouldn't have a depression in its middle. We have a 
Campo in the museum  that was used as an anvil, I have a picture of it 



Phil Whitmer

Hi List,

A new meteorite (Bouanane) was added to the Met Bulletin yesterday and
in the description it says the meteorite was used as a hammer/anvil
tool in the Neolithic period.

This meteorite came out of Morocco courtesy of Philippe Thomas. Does
anyone have a photo of this specimen? I'm very curious to see what it
looks like.


Best regards,


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