[meteorite-list] The Trials and Tribulations in Dealing with Landowners

Adam Hupe raremeteorites at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 21 13:43:28 EST 2011

I think this represents more than just a "black eye"  We may be the last 
generation that can hunt freely for them without sever repercussions.  Hunters 
have already been jailed and it is just a matter of time before somebody is shot 
on private property figuring it is an easy way to riches.  There is always a 
backlash associated with peoples actions. I don't think this was considered 
ahead of time by the few that are now impacting all us.

I saw the video Dirk posted and was appalled by the look in that farmers eyes 
and the tone of his voice.  I hope not too many people have seen this video 
because it is very discouraging.  I have seen this disdain before in the eyes of 
landowners when treasure hunters failed to treat them with respect.  It only 
takes a few holes left behind on somebody's property, a cattle gate left open or 
the failure to make good on a promise to ruin it for everybody else.

This is a very sad development but I could see it coming with the popularization 
of meteorite hunting and the connection to treasure hunting.  There used to be 
line between the two but now it has become blurred.


----- Original Message ----
From: Thunder Stone <stanleygregr at hotmail.com>
To: almitt2 at localnet.com; cynapse at charter.net
Cc: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Mon, February 21, 2011 10:11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] The Trials and Tribulations in Dealing with 


I think this will put a “black eye” on meteorite hunters regardless of the 
turnout.  I remember in West I talked to some landowners who let meteorite 
hunters on their property, and they told me that some of the hunters had stolen 
some of their finds and skipped out on paying, so they stopped allowing hunters 
back on their land.  Because of the ‘Meteorite Men’ show, with its growing 
popularity, this could certainly have an impact on people watching in the 
future.  I’ve always felt that the meteorite hunter’s number one oath is “treat 
the landowners very special, because the meteorites are THEIRS.”   And one bad 
apple… well, we all know what that can do.

As to the Meteoritic Peridot…  I just don’t see the market; I guarantee that any 
rich celebrity with rather have an emerald instead.  Also the ‘melting’ of 
Pallasites – it’s your meteorite and you can do what you want, you can make 
spheres, use the iron to make coins: does not really bother me.  In fact I think 
it would be really cool to make a stained glass window out of a Pallasite… now 
that would be really cool.

Remember... it's all in the marketing.

Greg S.                           
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