[meteorite-list] Surface Area or Weight

Thunder Stone stanleygregr at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 11 17:51:44 EST 2011

I think this may have been discussed on the list in the past, but I'm not sure.
When it comes to meteorite’s value (especially rare types) is the value based solely on the weight of the specimen? Or can the total surface area be a factor?
Take this as an example:
Say you have 1 gram specimen of a rare type (perhaps planetary) which is cubed shaped and relatively small, and the second is 0.50 grams and is cut very thin, so it has a very large surface area and is very visually esthetic; how would they compare in value?
I know complete stones may be more, and specimens with nice fusion crusts are also more, so there are cases where the same weight may have different values.
I'm just curious,
Greg S. 

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