[meteorite-list] Attention Meteorite Collectors who use Facebook - viral spam app warning

Michael Gilmer meteoritemike at gmail.com
Sat Feb 5 15:17:08 EST 2011

Hi Folks,

This is a heads-up for Facebook users.  There are some new viral-spam
applications going around.  These are variations on a previous similar
scam.  The app will claim to show you who visits your profile, like a
stat-tracker does on a personal website.  However, visitor data is
held in private by FB and nobody or no app can show you this data.
It's a complete scam. These apps have names like "See Who Stalks You".

If you give the app permission to access your profile,  the app will
then spam all of your FB friends by posting a link to this garbage app
on your wall, thus encouraging others to fall for it.

I am posting this to Met-List because I noticed that 3 members of this
List have already been tricked by this app.

If you are a victim of these apps, simply block them permanently by
clicking on the "Block this Application" link on the app's main page.

In the future, keep this in mind - scammers use these apps to gain
access to your profile information, possibly to steal personal
information that can be used to hack into your email account or PayPal
account.  Often, a security question for your email or PP acount is
the name of your pet, mother's maiden name, etc.  Such information can
be found on some people's FB profiles.  That makes it easy for a
scammer to use the "Lost Password" trick on your accounts.  They will
answer the security question (thanks to the info they gained from your
FB wall) and then change your password - locking you out of your
account and then they will drain your PP account.  So just block these
apps immediately as soon as someone invites you.

Best regards,


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

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