[meteorite-list] Apollo Moon rock sample on eBay?

Martin Altmann altmann at meteorite-martin.de
Fri Feb 4 19:01:11 EST 2011

>Where is the law that says that is illegal?

You can sell, whatever you want, as long as you're the legal owner of it.

So you don't need a special law,
because no private person - aside from the mentioned dust from the equipment
of the Apollo mission -
ever became legal owner of an Apollo rock.

Plain & simple.


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"Where is the beef"
Sure , we would all love to have what you have but , what is the difference
between what you have and anybody else?
Say, I was the king of England and my good buddy the President of the USA
gave me a genuine moon rock. And he did give away plenty.
I decide to sell it on EBay.
Where is the law that says that is illegal?
And how does that differ from what you have?
Is it because you did not get caught buying yours?
Why is it okay for you to buy moon material and not others?
Again, "show us the beef"?
What exactly does the law state and how do you know this? Normally , when
people make statements they want to back them up with evidence?
I believe you I just want to read it myself. And I'm quite sure you have
piqued the interest of others as well.
Yes, I am home getting my frozen pipes replaced. Waiting for the B-bash
Best regards,
Carl or Debbie Esparza

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