[meteorite-list] Apollo Moon rock sample on eBay?

Steve Schoner schoner at mybluelight.com
Fri Feb 4 16:50:31 EST 2011

Not so and there is no need to de-label your lunars because the government might confiscate them.

But... Should you re-label them as authentic Apollo 11-17 recovered lunar samples and attempt to sell them as such...

Then you will have some legal issues with NASA and the law to deal with.

In fact I think there was one case where a person tried this and wound up in a whole nest of legal trouble.

Steve Schoner

[meteorite-list] Apollo Moon rock sample on eBay?
Michael Gilmer meteoritemike at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 15:33:30 EST 2011

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"This case Phil references seems to me could apply to illegally
imported meteorites and would allow the US Gov. to seize them legally?
Scary! If the "No innocent owner clause" does not apply to meteorites
you cannot claim ignorance? "

Simple solution to that problem - when the government shows up to look
at your meteorites, pull all the labels off of them. Then they won't
be able an NWA from a Texas H-chondrite. No location info, no case.

Best regards,


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