[meteorite-list] Georgia Meteorite

jeff hodges hodgjt at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 30 12:50:52 EDT 2011

I was out last night and at aprox.22:03 eastern time when  I witnessed a Large 
fireball as it entered the atmosphere.  It was initialy bright white, thought I 
saw a small piece fragment off of it and extinguish, then it turned greeneish 
yellow and then bright orange as it disappeared over the Horizon.  I was located 

about 6 miles north of Weaverville, North Carolina and the fireball was coming 
almost straight down maybe angled slightly off to the east.  The best I could 
tell it was headed south toward Asheville, NC, then Grenn Georgia since it was 
falling almost straight down and directly south of me.  It was totally awesome 
and the second largest fireball I've ever witnessed.  It looked like it had good 

potential  to put at least some small rocks on the ground.  Just  got lucky as I 

was only out for about 1 minute before the event and was just happening to be 
looking directly where it originated.  

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