[meteorite-list] dark flight kmz for TN 4/6/2011

Mike Hankey mike.hankey at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 20:06:02 EDT 2011

Bill Cooke has been nice enough to send me a dark flight model for the
recent TN fall. The track was computed with 3 all sky cameras. We
decided it would be best to not post this on the web as doing so could
encourage bad behavior from the masses and wackos on the internet.
This could lead to risk for hassle / trouble with local landowners and
bad press for the meteorite community. Instead we decided that it
would be best to let the community know the information exists and
provide it by request only. So if anyone wants this KMZ feel free to
contact me and I will send it to you. If you have already contacted me
earlier for the track info, I will send you the whole package shortly.

I personally think it is really great that Bill's office has started
to roll out these cameras and is openly sharing the information and
analysis. This is a real benefit to the meteorite community.

It is really nice of Bill to share this info with us so please lets
not screw this up by trespassing, being disrespectful to locals or
getting in trouble.

Below are Bill's comments regarding the KMZ file and how it should be used:

"Bear in mind that we lost track of the meteor fairly high up, before
it underwent significant deceleration. Therefore this is a rough
estimate only, pinpointing a general  impact area.

Please also emphasize hunters should respect the wishes of the
property holders. The Scottsboro farmer did not much appreciate people
tramping on his land,which is why I am reluctant to divulge impact
locations. We'll give this a try."

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