[meteorite-list] NYT story

Adam Hupe raremeteorites at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 5 12:27:23 EDT 2011

If it were me, I would not give the New York Times the time of day if asked to 
do an interview.  They have already proven themselves unworthy of accurately 
reporting on meteorites.  We do not need their input on NWA meteorites or any 
others as they appear already biased by a member of the Antarctic program who 
seems threatened by all other non-Antarctic material if the article quoted him 
properly.  What was told to the press was uncalled for and very damaging.  It 
appears to me, this scientist is for some reason feels threatened by 
non-Antarctic material when he should be embracing it.  What would make a 
scientist feel compelled to label all other meteorites "Black Market" unless he 
was trying to protect the program he is involved with or was misquoted by the 
press?  Perhaps, in the spirit of cooperation, he could clarify this for all of 
us. Perhaps budget cuts are on the horizon?  In any case, this doesn't 
demonstrate collaboration that most of us seek.  I think an apology is in 
order.  A lot of good people were unfairly labeled in this biased piece. 

Best Regards,


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