[meteorite-list] Organics on Mars?

Phil Whitmer prairiecactus at rtcol.com
Fri Sep 3 17:19:50 EDT 2010

On Mars, building blocks of life?:

Or maybe Mars is just a cold desolate lifeless place and always has been?
Imagine a similar probe sent to Earth.  It would detect life from the top of 
the troposphere down to the thermophilic hydrogen absorbing bacteria living 
probably all the way down to the core of the planet.
You can't swing a dead cat on a rope anywhere on this planet-except maybe 
Atacama and Antarctica-without hitting a living organism. Why on Earth 
(Mars) do people still believe there is life on Mars past or present without 
any solid
(or liquid) evidence to back it up? I mean, they can't even detect organic 
compounds when the stuff rains down like
pennies from heaven? Like the article says; maybe we've found it, but we 
just don't know we found it.  And maybe
red rain is blood from Martian bats.

Phil Whitmer

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