[meteorite-list] anyone know Steven Curry?

MEM mstreman53 at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 30 21:42:57 EDT 2010

A couple points which should be obvious to an informed meteorist : there is no 
realistic physical mechanism for a "strewn" field of planetary meteorites. 
Escape velocities/ejecta dynamics limit the range of "just right" sized 
objects.  Too large and they don't reach escape velocity: too small and they 
totally burn up on entry.

Secondly, To my knowledge there is no place on the moon where "all known lunar  
meteorite types" would be found in one place.  Each stone in the "strewn  
field(sic)" would have to have been launched from separate impact  sites, 
rendezvoused in lunar orbit and left in unison for earths orbit.   This could 
only happen I guess if the snails and crickets they  contain(sic) were able to 
steer the swarm.  The only component not  mentioned was blue cheese.

Curry is adroit in throwing down technical terms in mynah bird fashion but it is 
clear that he doesn't grasp the real definitions in the examples he cites.  I am 
baffled that he is able to extract any procedural information from Nininiger's 
works as I recall his only papers dealt with documenting the circumstances of 
recovery and he himself did no analytical work.  Plus Harvey to our knowledge 
never saw a lunarite.

I looked at one of his brecciated stones at eBay auction and it was a single 
lithology with minor fractures but no unaligned, out-of-place fragments which 
could remotely qualify as a breccias: monomict, polymict or 
"anything-else-mict".  Another auction--The Impact Melt Breccia, I can't quiet 
wrap my brain around how he reached that conclusion either.  Seems a Lunar IMB 
analog would look more like a glassy howardite if it could exist at all.  I'm 
not persuaded that an LIMB could first form then survive ejection forces.

Reminds me a lot of the guy who used to harass the Smithsonian with bizarrely 
interpreted objects he dug up in his back yard...including the Barbie torso he 
claimed proved the existence of a lilliputian race of humans in New Jersey  or 
delusions to that effect.  Curry  is delusional and the constructs of his psyche 
will never accept that these aren't meteorites.  It is a pathology and I assure 
all, that we/you won't cure him via emails.  

 Finally I believe there was a good reason his packages were returned unopened 
if they were in fact returned unopen. Distort the facts in one aspect of the 
story and you've likely do so in other places. Leave out critical information 


----- Original Message ----
> From: Ken Newton <magellon.ken at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] anyone know Steven Curry?
> Don,
> Both are highly inaccurate.
> I see my comment criticizing the  station's research and Curry was erased.
> Well, here is more in Mr. Curry's  own words:
> <http://meteorite-identification.com/ebay/SSeller/uncometeorites/email.html>
> Best,
> ken

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