[meteorite-list] Researcher: Proof Of Alien Life

Adam Hupe raremeteorites at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 30 10:03:22 EDT 2010

There are nuts out there everywhere. They seem to be coming out an alarming rate 
with recent increased media coverage. I cannot believe a news team would be 
irresponsible enough to report this garbage. It is interesting to note that the 
number one goal for many of us is to find the first North American lunar 
meteorite and this goof claims to find 100 after searching for one year and he 
is going public with his false finds. I think he is after his few moments of 
fame which so many idiots seek so disparately. Too bad he will remembered only 
as another crackpot among the many.

He must be lurking here on the Meteorite Central List and watches too much 
television enabling him to fabricate such nonsense.  This kind of person only 
serves to cheapen genuine meteorites and hunters.   He took a number one goal of 
many and permanently blemished it with his claims of finding the first Lunar 
meteorite in North America.  This trash will forever pop up in future online 
media searches cheapening the real deal when it shows up.

We should all thank him for his contributions if we ever see him. It would not 
surprise me at all if he shows up at either the Denver or Tucson show with an 
entourage of cameras promoting this crap.  He appears to be comfortable in front 
of a camera and addicted to his moments of fame.  It seems there are a lot of 
personalities more interested in fame than the health of this fine avocation.

Take Care,


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