[meteorite-list] metachondrite

Steve Dunklee steve.dunklee at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 22 11:46:16 EDT 2010

I cant get the abstract to run on my phone so I am still not sure what is meant by metachondrite. Could it be material that cooled too quickly to form chondrules but still retains many of the characteristics undifferentiated chondrules have? I have some pac and acap that have in some places partial spheres which would indicate rapid cooling on at least one side. When you consider the sun side may be realy hot and the shadow side almost absolute zero it kind of makes sence some material would instantly freeze on one side and remain melted on the other. Making a kind of half chondrule. With jagged edges on one side and smooth partial spheer on the other. Cheers Steve Dunklee


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