[meteorite-list] Unconscious Ideomotor Response Test

JoshuaTreeMuseum joshuatreemuseum at embarqmail.com
Thu Oct 21 09:49:26 EDT 2010

Thank you for the video links (that totally disprove dowsing works). You
can clearly see the right hand 'twitching/bending' almost intentionally
as she reaches over the iron!! The rest is just Momentum for sure.

That's the  point of the experiment. It's to prove the existence of the 
ideomotor response. I've read the literature, I don't believe in dowsing, 
just the ideomoter reaction to it. When farmers and plumbers find 
underground pipes, they obviously already know where they are.

Phil Whitmer

I don't think ANYBODY denies bent rods will cross over objects what is
at issue here is do they do it in direct response to the object or in
response to the human stimulus of seeing or moving over the object
(because they want it too).

I guarantee you wouldn't be able to find 10 buried iron meteorites
hidden in a ploughed field, (i'll bet half my meteorite collection on


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