[meteorite-list] Double-Blind Experiments Testing Dowsing

Count Deiro countdeiro at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 20 17:14:20 EDT 2010

Too..Too..funny... Thanks, Jason. How true. 

Why in the hell doesn't it ever enter the consciousness of those that believe the crap that re-surfaces every ten years or so .. like mattress magnets, copper bracelets, voodoo dolls (I have three..they don't work)....charm stones..levitation..ghosts...mind and palm readers...magic...yeah dowsing and anything that happened around Roswell, New Mexico..that if any of this b...sh.. had efficacy the world.. and I mean the whole world... of opportunists, entrepreneurs, scientists, doctors, institutions, governments and ME.. would be all over it like white on a golf ball.

Best to all,

Count Deiro
IMCA 3536 

-----Original Message-----
>From: Jason Utas <meteoritekid at gmail.com>
>Sent: Oct 20, 2010 11:54 AM
>To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Double-Blind Experiments Testing Dowsing
>To nudge the dying horse...
>Thank you, Paul, for posting such comprehensive studies.
>Perhaps the others who stubbornly insist on believing in pseudoscience
>will slowly realize that their claims are based on ignorance, and not
>true "open-mindedness."  While innovation in both invention and idea
>has always relied on the willingness of people to change their
>opinions, one should remember that whenever major changes to our way
>of thinking about the world have been introduced, they have almost
>always encountered opposition from the pseudo-scientific crowd.  I see
>this as a continuation of that theme: people holding on to dogma
>because they want to.  Which means that you're never going to change
>their minds, no matter how complete the evidence against it.
>Oddly enough, this came up today!  xkcd's a popular comic with the
>more scientifically minded collegiate crowd - **make sure to let your
>cursor rest over the image to see the commentary - it can oftentimes
>be funnier than the comic itself.
>I don't know what the odds were of that, but it sure was a pleasant surprise..
>On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 10:07 AM, Martin Altmann
><altmann at meteorite-martin.de> wrote:
>> Shht Paul, relying in the abilities of animals,
>> and knowing the Romanian method to avoid underground watercourses - just
>> drive a pig into your house, wait, where it lays down to sleep - there is
>> the right place for the bed,
>> - not to mention their geomantic help to locate truffles
>> (a stuff more expensive than ordinary meteorites or irons)
>> I start to train dowsing helpers:
>> http://www.agilitysports.ch/images/schwein_gehabt.jpg
>> Best!
>> Martin
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com
>> [mailto:meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com] Im Auftrag von Paul H.
>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2010 15:43
>> An: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>> Betreff: [meteorite-list] Double-Blind Experiments Testing Dowsing
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