[meteorite-list] Try divining rods over a large iron

Michael Murray mmurray at montrose.net
Wed Oct 13 12:14:52 EDT 2010

If someone out there with a baseball size or larger iron wouldn't mind  
performing a little test with it I would appreciate hearing back from  
them on how it turned out.  To test what I had in mind you will need  
to make a couple metal divining rods out of coat hangers or something  
Starting with an overall length of wire about 24 inches, make a 90  
degree bend at about 6 inches from one end.  Hold the short ends  
vertical, one in each hand and keep the long part close to horizontal  
and move over the iron.  Do this some place away from any other metals  
and in an area where you don't get movement on the rods otherwise.   
What I'd like to know is, when you do move them over the iron  
meteorite, do they try to cross?  Can you get movement on the rods if  
you are standing up and the meteorite is on the ground?  If not, how  
close to you need to have the rods from the iron?

Thanks in advance to anyone giving this a try for me.
Mike in CO

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