[meteorite-list] Habitable Martian Environments Could be Deep Beneath Planet's Surface

JoshuaTreeMuseum joshuatreemuseum at embarqmail.com
Mon Oct 11 14:07:26 EDT 2010

I don't understand why people got so excited about a habitable "earth-like" 
exoplanet, (not earth-like at all by any stretch of the imagination), that's 
light years away, when right next door we have an actual earth-like planet, 
or at least it used to be, that should be teeming with signs of life. The 
goal of all the orbiters, probes, and little four-wheeler labs is to find 
signs of life. Yet they have turned up no verifiable evidence that life ever 
existed there. I will never for the life of me, understand why life never 
took hold and thrived there. I also can't understand how Mars' core 
magneto-dynamo conked out. If it could be jump-started and the magnetosphere 
re-constituted, then we could terra form the planet and build up an 
atmosphere. This could provide a place for human migration when the sun 
swells up and consumes the earth. It would at least buy us a little more 
time. If humans can't live there, maybe we could establish a colony of 
lichens, anything would be better than nothing!

Ranting when I should be working,

Phil Whitmer 

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