[meteorite-list] Professionals No Longer Sought

MEM mstreman53 at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 9 12:28:57 EDT 2010

Dear Dave-- were I inclined I could go back in the list archives and fine 20 or 
more flash-in-the-pan  EX list members who came in like a bull elephant, 
throwing around all types of  ill-formed demands, or egotistical proclamations 
and after not getting the attention they demanded ranted out some monologue as 
to what a substandard list this is.

What made you specify that "dealers" were all you sought--was below the noise 
level to bother with. And why now complain that the rest of the list didn't 
answer you--Are  you under the misconception the this is a list mainly of 
dealers?   I don't know which dealers who responded but how do you know they 
were "professional" dealers?  Getting more than 1 person offering to do business 
based on your original post is quiet successful.

So get a clue--if you want assistance on specific questions just ask.  We were 
all novices once and if you don't come in here ranting like you are owed our 
undivided attention and just ask your specific question you might get what you 
need-- if not what you want.   (Pray tell what are other "celestial objects 
mainly meteorites?????" are you talking about?)

Let me take this opportunity to remind you that if you don't like the way we do 
business and elect to join the list of other EX list members and you are going 
to loudly announce your taking leave of us... take care to not let the door hit 
you in the tushie on your way out...


----- Original Message ----
> From: David Gunning <davidgunning at fairpoint.net>
> To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
> Sent: Fri, October 8, 2010 5:50:11 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Professionals No Longer Sought
> Hi All,
> After an initial responsive surge of 6 "professional"  meteorite dealers
> to my ad seeking same, the surge has, apparently, subsided.  Dried-up. 
> Gone kaput.  So, lemme see, out of a total list membership  of, what, 950,
> or so, members, and with six acknowledged professional  meteorite dealers,
> (and other celestial objects dealers) amongst your ranks,  that would be a
> ratio of 950 to 6 for an estimated percentage value of less  that 1% total
> of professional dealers who view themselves as such and are  willing to
> allow themselves as being such on the list.
> Wow, there sure  must be alot of collectors and scientists on the list.
> How cool is  that?
> Thanks, Chummies!
> Dave  Gunning
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