[meteorite-list] The Tribe Has Spoken - (ad) part one for Zagami -Mars- thin section

Kevin Kichinka marsrox at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 13:36:50 EDT 2010

Last week I sought the opinions of this august group regarding
publishing my book, "The "Art of Collecting Meteorites", solely as an
"e-book" as my supply of hard copies nears a complete sell out.

Resoundingly, you said "no way".

But most responders added an acknowledgement that ebooks represent
"the future".

True. For the first time ever, e-books outsold "hard copies" last year.

Consequently, I'm going to try to raise the funds to print more books
by selling meteorites. I will need a couple of thousand dollars to
keep "The Art of Collecting Meteorites" alive in a way that most
pleases my readers, a "hold-it-in-your-hands" book.

First offer in my "fund raising project" is a thin section of Zagami (Mars).

When I had several of these created in the late '90's, Zagami sold for
$800 to $1,000/gram. It's about half of that now.

The Zagami slice "covers" 10x8mm on the slide. I was selling these for
$350 prior to the "world economic crisis".

In a web search today, world-class thin section dealer Impactica Ann
has none listed for sale, the (Michael) Blood Meister has a Zagami ts
with 15x20mm "coverage" for $500, and Jeff Rowell has one similar to
mine for an excellent $250.

I'll be the low cost "Kev-Mart" of Zagami today. First $225 (plus
postage to wherever) in my Paypal account will bring a true Mars
"sample return" to the new owner and help me kick-start my book
printing-funding project. Please email me before submitting funds.

My humble thanks to the many people who took the time to write me last
week. I am honored to be in your thoughts and perpetually amazed,
somewhat awed, that this hobby has created for me a network of
worldwide friendships I would never otherwise have known.

Kevin Kichinka
MARSROX at gmail.com

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