[meteorite-list] I know what it looks like. . .

David Gunning davidgunning at fairpoint.net
Sat Oct 2 18:18:52 EDT 2010

Hi Mike,

Odd looking specimen you got there.

If it's got a specific gravity of 7.75 it falls within the range of being
a piece of iron (7.3 - 7.8).

I am not sure what you mean when you say "after doing a bulk density
weighing" and coming-up with "7.5g/cc".  According to Professor Randy L.
Kootev, an internet expert on these kinds of measurements: "In order to
measure density, it is necessary to measure the volume of a rock.  That's
hard to do accurately".

In any event, from the pictures you posted it reminds me of some sort of
bullet mold.

But what I don't understand is the nickel test reaction.  But, then,
there are many things I don't fully understand.

Maybe King-o-sabi (the Lone Ranger) was casting silver bullets with it.
Some chemical tests for silver can turn strongly red colored, and if
there was a residue of Silver, who knows?

Hi Ho Silver, Up, Up and Awayyyy!

Best regards,

Dave Gunning

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