[meteorite-list] Wisconsin Meteorite Hunt.

eric at meteoritesusa.com eric at meteoritesusa.com
Tue May 4 01:21:49 EDT 2010

Bill, I will say this once and ONCE only! Don't EVER call me a liar again!

You're memory is seriously flawed! I DID draw you a map with an X  
marks the spot direct to a confirmed find you know it and I know it!  
And the "NOs" you received from me were for stones and information I  
was under promise not to reveal. Do not make the mistake of twisting  
that information for your benefit Bill! I will call you on it...

People on this list can decide for themselves based on your history. I  
think that speaks for itself.


Quoting bill kies <parkforestmet at hotmail.com>:

> Eric,
> It was a pleasure meeting you. I won't publicly argue with you other  
>  than to say that you may have mentioned the general area you were   
> hunting in but you certainly did not give me a treasure map with X   
> marks the spot, lol. I distinctly remember many resounding NO'S when  
>  asking about new finds. Believe me, I understand that.
> Good luck and I hope to see you soon. I'll be back up in a day or   
> two. I need a few days of good food and a little rest. Getting old....
> Good Hunting,
> Bill
> ----------------------------------------
>> Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 07:29:32 -0600
>> From: eric at meteoritesusa.com
>> To: parkforestmet at hotmail.com
>> CC: wahlperry at aol.com; meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Wisconsin Meteorite Hunt.
>> Hey Bill, List,
>> Did you bother to talk to Sonny and ask him anything or are you
>> assuming he'd never been on that land? Perhaps he'd already had
>> previous permission? I don't know... But to attack Sonny so brashly
>> and call him names PUBLICLY that are completely out of character for
>> him, seems to me to be much more rude than him walking past you in the
>> field...
>> Need I mention that I drew you a map, literally where X marked the
>> spot of the area where a NICE stone was found on the small end where I
>> knew there were most likely more pieces and so a good chance you might
>> make a find or two. Yet there was no reciprocation at all from you...
>> Who's greedy Bill? The one who ignores you, or the one who holds his
>> information even after information is shared with him?
>> By the way, I'll keep "pumpin" the lack of material too. Until there's
>> more confirmed, it's ALL rumor!
>> Regards,
>> Eric
>> Quoting bill kies :
>>> Well,
>>> I just returned from my third trip with 12 days walking on cobbs and
>>> I have to say that the most pathetic display of rude bs was that of
>>> Sonny what's his name. The man pulled up his truck, looked through
>>> us like we were non-exixtant ignoring the fact, as we protested,
>>> that we had previous permission to search the property in question.
>>> Sonny was so aggressive that he didn't even notice that one of our
>>> team members was a 77 year old man that was the Patriarch of the
>>> family that owned the land. He ignored us and hauled ass straight up
>>> to the front door trying to conive his way in.
>>> Nice work Sonny. You deserve a big pat on the back. You belong in
>>> Georgia. You're a real inspiration to us all you greedy S*B.
>>> Bill
>>> PS:
>>> Keep pumping the lack of material. Time will tell.
>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>> To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>>>> Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 00:37:00 -0400
>>>> From: wahlperry at aol.com
>>>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Wisconsin Meteorite Hunt.
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I just returned from my second hunt in Wisconsin. I hunted a total of 9
>>>> days in the field. I really enjoyed spending time with the other
>>>> hunters and got to know some of the locals too.
>>>> Without a doubt, Wisconsin is the friendliest state I have ever
>>>> visited. Everyone would invite you into their homes, also allow you to
>>>> hunt for meteorites on their property. I even had
>>>> a chance to milk a cow. I want to say thanks to Rob Matson and Mark
>>>> Fries for the great work with the Doppler Radar. Terry Boudreaux and
>>>> Karl Aston played a major role in gaining
>>>> access to hunt many of the properties. These 2 guys are awesome. What
>>>> really made this trip enjoyable was spending time with everyone
>>>> hunting. After 9 days of hunting I was able
>>>> to find 3 meteorites, one with the assistance of Brix (my dog) and the
>>>> other 2 on my second trip out. The total of my finds is 366.4 grams. I
>>>> hope to post pictures from the hunt on my
>>>> website within the next week. The rumors of many stones being recovered
>>>> is simply not true. Out of 6 guys hunting for 4 days( covering a lot of
>>>> ground ) only 2 stones were recovered.
>>>> On the previous hunt with 10 guys hunting only 4 stones were recovered.
>>>> By far, the best complete stone I have seen is Rob Wesel's. Another
>>>> kudo's goes out to Joe Kerchner for his
>>>> magnificent find. Eric Wichman also made some outstanding finds.
>>>> Many of the fields are now being plowed and planted. Further recovery
>>>> of meteorites is becoming more difficult. It would be nice to compile a
>>>> list of everyone's finds to determine the TKW
>>>> so far.
>>>> Good luck to all of the guys that are still out in the field.
>>>> Sonny
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