[meteorite-list] Meteorite Museum update - site and news

Greg Catterton star_wars_collector at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 16 01:57:50 EDT 2010

Hi to all, I hope everyone is doing well.

Its been a long day and a late night, but I am happy to announce that the museum will in part be named after someone whos books and work has been a great influence to me.

With Dorothy Nortons blessing, I will be honoring Richard Norton in the museums name.
After careful thought and consideration, I have decided to name it after two people who I feel have contributed a great deal to meteorites.

Richards books are a must have for anyone interested in meteorites and while I sadly did not have the chance to meet him, from his books, part of his knowledge of meteorites has been able to be passed on to me and future generations of meteorite collectors.

The contributions Richard made and his role in providing educational resources reflects the direction that I want the museum to go and how I would like it to be seen.

I will honor him in my small way by doing my very best to provide a place that will be a valuable educational resource to all that wish to come.

Many thanks to Dorothy Norton.

I have a temporary website set up that I am working on and updating as I have the time.

Many of you have been asking to be kept up to date, the website will be a good source for the latest up to date information.

If all goes well, I hope to have it open by August of this year.
This is purely experimental but with a little bit of luck and good fortune, this will be able to be something that will be around for some time.
I will be using the museum as a means to share my collection of meteorites and offer a educational resource that is not available anywhere near my area. The month to month cost will be expensive, I am looking to offset costs by running it with a close friend and no salary as well as offering a gift store with meteorites for sale. There will be guest speakers and lectures monthly and in time, I hope to offer samples on loan from several well known private collections on display.

I will not make any profit of this, it is not my intention to have this as a business, but to offer a valuable tool to the community I live in and anyone who wants to visit. If and when it ever does start bringing in more then it costs to run, all funds will be used to provide growth to the museum.

If anyone would like to offer to be a guest speaker or help in any way, feel free to email me. 
More to come soon.

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay: http://stores.shop.ebay.com/wanderingstarmeteorites


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