[meteorite-list] pronunciation of L'aigle

Larry & Twink Monrad larrytwinkmonrad at comcast.net
Sat Mar 13 19:45:43 EST 2010

from Bernd as he could not post:

Hi Greg C. and List,

L'aigle is an easy one. * aigle * is the " eagle "
in English but let's talk about its pronunciation:

- *ai* sounds like the first  *a* in "animal"
- *g* is "g" like in the words "gold" or "give"
- *l* is "l" like in the words "look" or "love"
- the *e*  at the end of the word is like *a* in "a house", "a book"

Best wishes from Germany from someone
who can't post to the List directly :-(


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