[meteorite-list] Four small problems, Ron

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 4 21:22:31 EST 2010

Hi Ron, all - 

First off, congratulations Count.

Now to the matter at hand. I see where all the experts got together and decided that an asteroid impact at Chicxulub killed the dinosaurs.

The first problem is that it was a COMET that hit, not an asteroid, and we have a sample of it, which you can see by image googling "kt-fossil".

Second, it was the impact of multiple comet fragments:

(By the way, it may be that oil gathers in the cracks caused by impact: Chicxulub responsible for Mexican, Venezeulan and Texas oil?
and Shiva responsible for Saudi, Iraq, and Iranian oil? and Ukraine responsible for Baku oil? Only the oil companies know for sure.)

The Chicxulub impact intensified the anti-podal Deccan Trap eruption, and then the Shiva impact set it off full bore, not to mention the small Ukrainian impact somewhere in there.

So that's the four small problems, and maybe number 5.

good hunting, all
E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas


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