[meteorite-list] Movie uses

countdeiro at earthlink.net countdeiro at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 23 17:08:07 EDT 2010

Ruben and fellow media stars and the great unwashed on the List,

Would somebody tell me what earthly good does it do for the monetary value (usually grossly inflated) of meteorites to be publicized to an unsophisticated public, ready to jump on every opportunity to make things more difficult and expensive for hunters in the field, and to kick awake every government official with the power to promulgate restrictive regulations so we can be shut down completely?

Look...I love you guys. Ruben and Jeff and Steve and....yes...even Sonny. But, methinks thou hast put us on the slippery slope to extinction. Yeah..I got some press yesterday..but I refused to talk money with the reporters. They had already seen Meteorite Men and the videos on YouTube and all that prompted them to do the story of my find was "What is it worth?"  They figured their editors wouldn't print without an evaluation. "No bucks...No Buck Rogers." It took a lot of dancing to get them to do the story just on the basis of the science. 

Count Deiro
IMCA 3536 


-----Original Message-----
>From: Ruben Garcia <mrmeteorite at gmail.com>
>Sent: Jun 23, 2010 3:45 PM
>To: Meteorite List <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
>Subject: [meteorite-list] Movie uses "Meteorite Magazine!"
>Hi all,
>We (Ruben and Hopper) made the cover of Meteorite Magazine with our
>$270,000 meteorite find!
>This is how we will appear in the Movie "Heaven Strewn."
>Sorry to say that there is no truth to the cover story. We didn't
>really find a rare ataxite worth $270,000 -but it sure looks good and
>It's all made up especially for the movie.
>Special thanks to Meteorite Magazine editors Larry and Nancy Lebofsky
>for letting the producers at Heaven Strewn use the magazine name and
>likeness for the movie. As we all know "Meteorite"  is a top notch
>magazine with all the best authors, latest news, and information in
>the world of meteorites. If you are not a subscriber I urge you to
>subscribe today! Support this great magazine and learn all at the same
>time.    http://meteoritemag.uark.edu/512.htm
>Check out my website for more info -  http://www.mr-meteorite.net/
>Rock On!
>Ruben Garcia
>Website: http://www.mr-meteorite.net
>Articles: http://www.meteorite.com/blog/
>Videos: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=meteorfright#p/u
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