[meteorite-list] Meteorite and Folklore, 8

Galactic Stone & Ironworks meteoritemike at gmail.com
Wed Jun 23 15:52:12 EDT 2010

Shooting star lore from "Cosmic Debris" by Burke -

In Austria, upon seeing a shooting star near one's house, the children
were brought inside and sprinkled with holy water.

It was thought in some Germanic cultures, that shooting stars were
fire-breathing dragons, if you insulted or cursed one of them, they
would rain stinking cheese and rubbish down upon Earth. Some believed
in influencing the dragon with an offering, whereupon the passing
dragon would leave a gift of ham or bacon. The fire dragon also
carried money which it would sometimes drop, making people rich.

In Polish folklore, it's thought that a falling star would drop one of
three things - a treasure, a gelatinous mass, or cow dung!

Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

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