[meteorite-list] PAIRINGS TO NWA 5400

Zelimir Gabelica Zelimir.Gabelica at uha.fr
Wed Jun 23 10:47:14 EDT 2010

Dear List,

I just received a message from Albert Jambon 
regarding the recently debated issue of NWA 5400 and its possible pairings.
Albert contacted me (as Ensishim organizer) after 
several unfruitful attempts and asked me to send 
this message (below) to the list.

I know that forwarding someone else's message 
does not really meet the meteorite list policy 
but thought that Albert, who was often cited 
and/or called in this effervescent discussion, 
should have the right of answering the concerned 
protagonists and present his statement about an 
issue (NWA 4500 pairings) wherein he has been fully involved.
I hope the list moderator would allow this post to go.


Now it's enough.

I have been out of my office for fieldwork with 
my students and a friend of mine draw my attention to this mess.
Now I am back.

Original scientific information does not have to 
go to the list first but rather to The Nom. Com. and scientific publications.
Description of NWA 5363 has been submitted since a long time but not yet voted.
However, the situation is such that it appears 
better to release some information.
NWA 5400 is undoubtedly paired with NWA 5363!

I received a sample from Mbarek Ait el Caid in February 2008.
I received a second sample from another stone in 
May of the same year, again from Mbarek.
I had additional samples from American collectors as well.

Copies of my private mails that were posted on 
this list are authentic (but not the translation).

NWA 5363 was submitted with a TKW of 2455g.
The second stone has a TKW of 5530 g.
As for the others I just don't know.

If you want more scientific information, go to the Met. Bull. database.

When you know nothing just keep silent.

And now according to Greg's writing :
"I welcome any pairings to NWA 5400, the 
Earth-Related Meteorite! The more the better for all of us."

I have been insulted.
My Moroccan partners have been insulted too.
We all wait for apology.

Albert Jambon

Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Université de Haute Alsace
3, Rue A. Werner,
F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
Fax: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15 

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