[meteorite-list] USB 2.0 mp Digital Camera

dean bessey deanbessey at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 6 19:56:24 EDT 2010

Last week I got a 
Veho VMS-004 Deluxe 400x USB Powered Microscope 1.3MP
Which I bought of ebay for $43
Here is some photos I took.
You will notice on the meteorite photo that the image is blurry around the edges.
The segments in my ruler is 1/2mm so as you can imagine the stuff is pretty small. I never knew there was anything between the fossil stingray teeth for example.
I am getting (Just barely) passable gemstone photos for ebay auctions but the field of view is so small that it will only work up to about a 4 or 5 carat stone. There is some fiddling that I am doing though and will probably figure things out as I use it more.
It does have an adjustable light strength which is good (I can even turn the light completely off). This is a nifty feature that many (Especially the ones sold at coin fairs) dont seem to have.
I probably should have got a more expensive one but even at $43 it is better than several others that I have used that cost over $100 so this thing is good value compared to some others anyway.
There dont seem to be a on/off switch and you have to pull it out of the ubs port to turn it off.


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