[meteorite-list] Meteorite Photography (Must read!)

Meteorites USA eric at meteoritesusa.com
Wed Jan 27 14:21:05 EST 2010

Uh... sure it can... In the DOF zone it will be crystal clear IF... It 
depends on MANY factors such a light, shutter speed, film speed (er, uh, 
ISO setting), autofocus setting, manual focus, type of lens, type of 
glass in the lense, whether the lens is clean, whether the camera is 
handheld or shooting from a tripod or monopod, how fast the shutter 
speed is relative to the subject, whether the camera is being panned 
with a moving subject or the subject is still. There are Unlimited 
variables. An f/2.8 lens focused properly with the right settings will 
be just as sharp in the given DOF of a comparable photo/subject 
photographed at a slower/smaller f/22 aperture.


On 1/27/2010 11:10 AM, Dark Matter wrote:
> A lens wide open i.e. 2.8 can not be sharper than the lens stopped
> down. Isolated elements in the photo are not the same as sharpness.

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