[meteorite-list] Some meteorite words

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Mon Jan 25 15:39:36 EST 2010

There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about my comment (based on some
replies on and off list.)  I do not avocate rape and I DID NOT advocate rape.  I
simply pointed out the flaw in using the idea of being armed as being a panacea.
Criminal does X, criminal is defeated my Y.  From this, future criminals learn
to do Z.  The same way criminals learn to try to avoid leaving fingerprints, and
clothing fibers... and witnesses.  It is simple.  If you think someone doesn't
have a gun, you tell them "give me your money or I'll shoot."  If you think
someone has a gun, you kill them and take the money off their corpse.  (And no,
I'm not advocating you to rob and murder people.)

While "guns don't kill people, people kill people"-- GUNS ALSO DON'T MAKE YOU
SAFE (not yelling, no itallics) because the "bad guy" can have a gun, too.

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