[meteorite-list] New Martian fossils

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 11 11:59:08 EST 2010

Hi Ron, all - 

Each find of new martian fossils raises the possibility of hazard from back contamination, making it necessary for extensive robotic exploration of Mars to be undertaken BEFORE any manned flight to "the ultimate destination". 

This exploration will require fully autonomous rovers just to cover the requited distances. As I happen to know where this technology may be obtained, contact me off list, and bring your checkbook. 

May I suggest that the time needed for these necessary robotic explorations of Mars could well be used to deal with the impact hazard, and build on the Moon the best asteroid and comet detection systems and to obtain more data on their composition?

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas
(really pretty much a landmark book)


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