[meteorite-list] Xiuyan meteorite crater was “Strange Phenomena in a Meteorite Crater”

Paul H. oxytropidoceras at cox.net
Tue Jan 5 12:46:35 EST 2010

In Strange Phenomena in a Meteorite Crater, Michael
 Groetz wrote:

“Strange Phenomena in a Meteorite Crater
http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/27448/ “

The Epoch Times can at times, be a questionable source 
of information about anything. What they are referring 
to is the Xiuyan meteorite crater. The paper about this 
proposed impact crater is:

Ming, C., 2008, Impact-derived features of the Xiuyan 
meteorite crater. Chinese Science Bulletin. vol. 53, no. 3,
pp. 392-395.

The abstract is at:


A paper that this paper references is:

Zhao. S. M., 2004, The discovery of a meteorite impact 
crater in the Xiuyan country of central Liaodong 
peninsula. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources.
vol. 3, p. 27.

Some other articles about it are:

Close encounters of the Chinese kind, Global Times,
December 14, 2009. (includes a picture of this feature)


Xiuyan impact structure, Astronomy News

According to this discussion board, the Xiuyan meteorite 
crater is located at:
Latitude: 40°21'53.71"N, Longitude: 123°27'38.88"E 

Google Earth pictures at:

and http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v328/blobrana/craterchina1.jpg

Xiuyan crater, China: Impact origin confirmed


Our first meteor impact craters float oil exploration 
Wells: black can burn. (machined translated ???)



Paul H.

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