[meteorite-list] Warning about ebay member

JoshuaTreeMuseum joshuatreemuseum at embarqmail.com
Sun Dec 19 13:55:48 EST 2010

Yes, I would recommend banning this guy. He's a "sport bidder", who bids on 
stuff then never pays for it or responds when you email him. He's in 
Montpelier, France.

Happy Festivus, Peak Shoppping, Saturnalia, Winter Solstice, Druid Yule Day 
and Kwanzaa!

Phil Whitmer

Dear list members,

I would warn any ebay seller against a very unpleasant ebay member.
The ebay member ( tri-ball34 ) has won some meteorites with me on ebay and 
to this day not one of them paid.
The total value of almost $ 1500.
He had bought over a longer period of time.
Now I've talked with some other dealers and it looks as if many traders are 
Are there any other dealers who have not received payment from him ??
I have blocked this member now.

Many greetings to all,


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