[meteorite-list] AD - ebay: Kandahar, Orgueil, Vigarano, Pantar, A. Sitta, CK5/6, CK6, ...

Peter Marmet p.marmet at sunrise.ch
Sat Apr 24 19:08:50 EDT 2010

Hello All,

I have 10 very nice and rare meteorites ending in less than one day:


- very rare Kandahar (Afghanistan) 0.29 g!
- Siena 80 mg from the NHM London w. Rob Elliott CoA
- Pantar
- Malotas
- Almahata Sitta
- Park Forest
- Vigarano
- NWA 3081 CK5/6, rare class!!
- NWA 3080 L6 impact melt, nice!
- NWA 5907 CK6, very rare class!!


Thank you,

Peter Marmet - IMCA #2747
Bern, Switzerland

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