[meteorite-list] OFF-TOPIC - Fake Lunar Landing Response

Richard Kowalski damoclid at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 24 15:05:04 EDT 2010

--- On Sat, 4/24/10, Warren Sansoucie <warren3174 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Buzz Aldrin punching someone for bringing up the hoax is
> all the proof I need. A man with his composure losing his
> temper shows the insult he felt when confronted with such
> nonsense.

A little back story on this episode probably warrants some comment too.

A conspiracy theorist named Bart Sibrel continuosly staked, harassed and incited Aldrin to admit the landings were faked. At the time of the punch, Sibrel had approached Aldrin, with his own film crew, with the express intent to get a reaction out of Aldrin, and record it. He was calling Aldrin ""a coward and a liar and a thief."

Aldrin, who had been dealing with the clown for some time before this point apparently would take no more of it.

All I can say is Hooray for Buzz! A lesser man would not have waited so long and probably would have thrown more than just one punch.

But then again, this speaks of the caliber of the 12 men who did what most of mankind has only been able to dream of before and since; They actually walked on the surface of the moon.  

Richard Kowalski
Full Moon Photography
IMCA #1081


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