[meteorite-list] OFF-TOPIC - Fake Lunar Landing Response

Starsinthedirt at aol.com Starsinthedirt at aol.com
Sat Apr 24 12:54:51 EDT 2010

Dangerous ground!   

I am not saying I think one way or  the other on this subject of the Moon 
Landing but when you seek to stop,  isolate, or ostracize any one for asking 
questions it quits being "Science" and  becomes religion.
Why go right to attacking this person?  Defending your position with  
alternative ideas or facts is great but this thread has only focused on  
discrediting the question asker.  These posts have had a disturbing  smugness to 


In a message dated 4/24/2010 10:31:24 A.M.  Mountain Daylight Time, 
cynapse at charter.net writes:
On Sat, 24 Apr 2010  09:22:08 -0700, you wrote:

>I could go on, but I don't want to  waste any more time on a nut job  
>like you.

Yeah, I was  about to say you're wasting your time.  If you google her  
address, you'll find almost nothing, but you will find that she  sells
"metaphysical minterals."  Assuming that "minterals" is a typo for  
"minerals," I
think we are dealing with one of those new-age flakes that  believes in 
properties of rocks and "vibrational energies" and "body  chakras."  Likely 
meteorites for "healing properties" or some  other  codswallop.

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