[meteorite-list] low-life on the meteorite list

Brian Cox searchingforfun at sbcglobal.net
Fri Apr 23 00:54:44 EDT 2010

Hi Dirk,

I have especially enjoyed your blog page the past few days. Don't let it 
worry you. The scum isn't worth the energy nor any effort to try to fix 
their twisted personality or their lack of a real personality. Hopefully 
it's not anyone on the list, but if it is, I'm sure it's one of the very, 
very few angry complaining members that isn't happy with their life and I'm 
sure it shows on his face and in his many aggravated posts that appear on 
this list.

All the best to you and yes, his karma will certainly get back at him 
because "What comes around goes around" "what you put out, you get back" and 
"as you soweth, so shall you reapeth" just pick any of these according to 
preference and it will bite them in the ass.

Take care,


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